To all my Hayward girls - I'm thankful to have been able to keep in touch with so many of you over the years. I was doing some cleaning in my office this week when I came across all of these pictures. I wish the quality was better. These are from 2002. Now Rebecca is getting married, Justina has a baby, and somewhere along the way, I got old enough to have Beehives who are old enough to be married and be mommies!
Trip to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

Does anyone keep in touch with Megan or Melody? Where are they now?
Hayward 2nd Ward Young Women Basketball Team
Anyone keep in touch with DJ?
Robin's Going Away Party
For some reason, we got a picture of the cake, but I can't find pictures of anything else, including Robin :(

What is that thing?

YM/YW Game Night

Where's Janelle Cook these days?

Who is the blonde girl sitting next to Rebecca? It is driving me crazy that I can't remember her name!

Does anyone keep in touch with Jennifer Montgomery?
Senior Appreciation Dinner & Dance put on by YM/YW

My husband, the "bar"tender

Lizzie Nui, who is now old enough to be in YW herself

Coming home from Girls Camp

I don't know where these next few pictures are from - maybe a New Beginnings or something...

I really wish this picture wasn't so blurry! I think this was at Teru's baby shower, shortly before we moved.

Leave me a comment if you can update on the girls that I asked about above. And if anyone has any pictures they'd like to email me, I'd love to post them.
Love you guys!